Sunday, October 22, 2006
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 4:17 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
لطالما سمعنا هده الجملة منذ أن كنا أطفالا صغارا ..و مثل اى جملة تتكرر كثيرا على مسامعنا ينتهي بها الأمر أن تفقد معناها .
لكنى أتمنى ان نسمعها فى كل مرة بأذن جديدة ..حتى يرحل عنها المعنى الروتينى للكلمة و نراها كما هى
هل يعنى هدا اننا ان دعونا الله فى ليلة القدر فان قدرنا قد يتغير ؟...و ان تغير قدرنا ؟؟
القدر ....
هذا اللغز الغامض؟؟
الذى حتى الان , لم اجد لا عقل بشرى ,
و السؤال الأقدم هو ..
ان كان القدر مقدرا ..من قبل ان نولد ..من قبل ان نكون ..من قبل ان يكون آباؤنا و أجدادنا ..
فكيف اذا يتغير القدر ..فى ليلة القدر ؟؟..فقد ان دعونا ؟؟
ام ان كل شئ مقدرا ..اعنى حتى دعائنا مقدرا له ان يكون
و ان كان كل ما قد نفعله او فعلناه او سنفعله مقدرا
فما فائدة نوايانا ..سواء الحسنة او السيئة ..و ما فائدة تغيريها ..
الدين يقول الإنسان مخير و ليس مسيرا ..
و لكنه لم يقل ان دعاء الإنسان سيغير القدر ؟؟
فكيف نربط هذا بذاك ؟؟
لا عيب فى السؤال
و لا كفر به
و ان كان عيبا او كفرا فلما الله سبحانه و تعالى أعطى الانسان عقلا ليفكر به
و ان أردتم رأى اقول
العقل البشرى ضيق التفكير
لا قدرة له على فهم القدر
و لا الجنة
و لا النار
ان ارتم التأكد
اغلقو عينيكم الان
الكرة الارضية من الفضاء
الان ابتعدو عنها
ابتعدو فى الفضاء
استمرو بالابتعاد
الى ما لا نهاية
الان يأتى السؤال
هل ترون الكون ؟؟
هل بأمكان العقل البشرى تخيل الكون و الفضاء الى ما لا نهاية ؟؟
هل بأمكانكم رؤية اللانهاية ؟؟
ان قلتم نعم
فهده كذبة
انا ارى حدود الكون مكعبة ..لا ادرى لما..غيري قد يراها دائرية ..و غيرنا يراها مثلثة ..
لكن لا احد يراها
الى ما لانهاية
و هدا هو القدر
هو الا نهاية
و هو ما لا نستطيع ان نراه حتى فى اشد احلامنا اضطرابا
او ندركه
او نفهمه
هو لا نهاية
و عقلنا لا يرى الا الحدود
لن يستطيع ان يفهم معنى الانهاية
و الان
لذا هناك ليلة قدر
للاننا بشر
ذو عقل بسيط
نريد ان نؤمن بليلة قدر
يتغير بها الاقدار
بدعاء صادق لله تعالى
بحسن نيتنا
و الا فلا معنى لكل مانفعله او فعلناه ...
غريبة هى تركيبة البشر ..
تبحث دوما عن الأمان
عن الأقوى لحميها
عن قوة إلهية تلجا لها
و فى كل الاديان
تلك القوة دوما موجودة
لتهدئ قلب الانسان
و تقول له
هده ليلة القدر
فأدعو لى خاشعين
و هدا ما نحتاجه دوما
و ماسنظل نحتاجه
لا نفهم كل شئ
و لا ندرك كل شئ فى السماء , فى الكون
و هدا ما كان و ما سيظل يخيفنا
و يجعلنا ننتظر كل ليالى القدر بلهفة و خشوع
و فى النهاية
و بعد تفكير
الدين و الإنسان يتلاءمان
الدعاء كيف يكون؟؟
لدينا جامع امام بيتنا
اسمعه بمكبرات الصوت العالية حتى غرفتى
و يحزننى ما اسمع
حقا يحززنى
لم يعد دعائنا معقولا
يا عرب دعائكم ليس معقولا ؟؟؟
ايجوز ان نسال الله كل صلاة جمعة
واسمعه يطلب كل هدا بصيغة الامر ايضا,
فقال يا ربى
لا تدع هدا الشهر ,يقصد رمضان , ان يمر الا و ان تفعل كل ما ذكرته اعلاه
ما هذا ؟؟ يعنى مع تحديد المدة ايضا ؟؟؟
ايصح ان ندعولله كل هدا يوم الجمعة , و باقى ايام الاسبوع ننشغل بحياتنا ؟؟؟
اعنى حقا
ان كنا نحن لم نفعل شيئا للعرب ..لنا ..لفلسطين .للعراق....للبنان ..
فلما الله سيفعله لنا إن فقد جلسنا في مساجدنا مرتاحين و طالبناه بهدا و ذاك
و بأي حق نطلبه؟
الليلة هي ليلة القدر و كل ما دعوته
هو المغفرة
و الرحمة
لنا و لأحبائنا
و أن يطيل في أعمار والدينا و يرحمهما
و الشكر و الحمد لله على كل شئ
و برأى هدا فقد ما يفضل ان نطلبه من الله
اما كل الباقى
فمن تحرير فلسطين
الى احلال السلام العالمى
فلنسعى بالعمل لتحقيقه
فان سعينا
فحينها فقد
بامكاننا ان ندعو الله مساعدتنا فى تحقيقه..
و اخيرا
شكرا لله على ليلة القدر
ليس لانه قد يستجاب لدعائنا ان أتى الدعاء فى وقته المناسب
لا ليس لاجل ذلك اشكر الله
بل أشكره لان وجود ليلة القدر
ساعد اجدادنا قديما
و ساعدنا حديثا
ان نؤمن بقوة القدر
و قوة الله
و باننا ان كنا صادقين فى نيتنا و عملنا
فقد يتغير قدرنا فى ليلة القدر
و هدا الإيمان وحده مايجعل البشر صالحين
فبرأي فى ليلة القدر
ليس العبرة فى الدعاء او فى تحقيقه
بل العبرة فى تذكر الله
و الشعور بقوته ووجوده من حولنا
و بالتالى
محاولتنا لنكون أفضل , ليستجيب لنا
و سواء أأستجيب لدعائنا ام لا فى ليلة القدر
فنحن سنكون بشرا أفضل لأننا نريد ان يستجيب الله لنا
و هنا العبرة فى القصة
ان نكون افضل
بشرا افضل
و هدا مايعطينا الامل
لا غير ..
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 8:08 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
I know many people may be a little shocked when they hear that ,
But really , lets face it , the first 2 week of Ramadan are good , but then ..oh , the energy becomes less and less every day ..and the most thing that I find it so hard and makes me just wish that this month will pass so fast is the routine , in Ramadan all the days is about the same routine , and you cant control it or change it , cause you are stuck in the same routine every day , its like the same day goes over and
over again !!!
And now I really feel fed up of the same routine every day ..Oh ,
So it’s only 5 days left yopee !!!!..
Some times I think that Moslems in the past their life’s style were better for living this month better than we do now !!!...
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 5:44 PM 7 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
I found this small frog yesterday in our home garden I took some pics of it. I am not a fan of frogs but I always think that Amphibious animals are so strange and weird animals ..
During the academic year for medicine and zoology students, those frogs are found to be sold along the university road for 3-5 dinards each ..what an exploitation !!!...
Any way ..when I was taking pics for this frog , it did remind me of the character GOLLUM or SMEAGOL in the famous trilogy"The lord of the Rings" . What do you think? lol …and I had a thought that maybe GOLLUM after his long sufferings of the ring curse become a small frog and fell in my small garden lol , actually my father is a big fan of the story "The lord of the Rings", because he read this story along time ago when he was in the states and before it became a film and he liked it so much .
Well, little GOLLUM I hope u will like ur new place
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 4:38 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 7:40 PM 15 comments
Today ,before the FOTOR I went with my Dad to take some pics ..we went to Ain El Zaiana ..and I looked up to the sky and was so happy that I can feel it now that the winter is on the doors ..I love the winter , and the rain so much ..I love to stay under the rain and get wet , I don’t understand why when its raining most of the people run and hide from the rain ..I always thought that the rain is the only thing that comes to us from heaven or sky or what ever that deep mystery up there !!!
Any way u see in the pic there will be a tourist project in Ain El Zaiana soon as it’s written up there ..but if you ask me my friend , I give my promise that I will go back to Ain El Zaiana after 3 years ,and will take some pics , and there will be nothing changed , except the النصب التذكاري لفتح المشروع will be old and dirty …and if I was wrong I will be very happy…
Well I really hope that it will be a strong winter this year ..with much of rains and strong wends ..and all that crazy things that happened in the winter ..
I remember when I was in the high school ..that when it was raining I always ask my teacher at the end of the class to go out in the rain ..some times that nice ones let me go .. and I take my walkman to listen to the music under the rain ..and that really was the best moments for me in the high school …
I don’t know why I hate the sun ..I know for some people its like saying I hate the life ..most if the people love the sun ..
But for me I find the sun is so clear , predictable and boring …but the clouds , wends and rains are full of surprises and unpredictable that why I love them …
I wish it will be a strong, crazy and long winter this year in Benghazi …
إن أجمل ما حققته دوران الأرض حول الشمس
هو فصل الشتاء
و أجمل ما حققته الجاذبية الأرضية
هو هبوط المطر
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 6:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 09, 2006
In august 2002 ..i bought my Floppy ..i did a big effort to find him because it was a hot summer and this animal, the Guinea pig can not handle the hot weather very well, they are so sensitive animals …so I finally found a small shop with the help of my dear father ..and that small animal shop had a group of Guinea pigs...there was about 10 Guinea pigs …
I was looking for a baby male and there was only one baby in that cage first I will be honest, I did not like him ..he has a funny collection of colors and I wanted a white one , because I had a white one before Floppy his name was Soho, god bless him ..he died of a hot weather and it was my fault so i missed him so much ..and I wanted one like him , to remember him.
So… back to Floppy ..the seller asked me if I wanted this one (Floppy) and he said he is the only male in the group ..I was hesitating in the beginning ..but then I decided to take him ..and today I am so glad that I did that ..he is the best friend ever ..
I took him with only 4 dinards and a half cheap for a such a cute animal .
The first days that I had floppy were the days that all my family was busy, to do our big step of moving to our new home ..I am glad that Floppy shared with me my last days in our old apartment ..cause that was the place where I grew up ..and felt safe and homey all the time …
Baby Floppy was such a cute and nice animal ..he does not bite ..he is so lovely, only needs good food and a clean cage to be very happy ..
He eats lentils and vegetables like salad , carrots and cucumber ..
He does not like to drink water ..
I put his cage that is made of glass next to my bedroom …and when he hears me wake up in the morning he starts to do his cute voice like screaming to tell me that he wants some food ..
And even when he hears me coming from downstairs he starts to scream and I usually hear him in the middle of the stairs and I go back to the kitchen to bring him some food lol..
He is so intelligent...but he does not recognize his name .That is my fault cause I always call him with different names every time like : posa ..cascosa ..pola ..blossa ..poapoa ..etc
But he recognizes the sound of a kiss , cause when I bring him some food I always do for him the sound of a kiss that sound for him is equal to food so he loves it so much and when he hears it he starts to scream too ..a happy scream lol ..
And when I give him some food he does a very cute sound not a screamy one , it is just like a purring cat and that’s his way to say thank you ..I looooove that sound .
The Floppy world is all about sleeping and eating …he is sooooooo lazy .. when he was young he liked to walk out of his cage in my bedroom …he was an active animal ..but now when I put him on my bedroom floor he stays in his place and stares at me like if saying : oh please bring me some food and just let me sleep in my cage !!!! lol
And he goes under the bed to sleep .lol ..
So I gave up now ..
Floppy always shows me that he is happy and he loves me ..
Only when I give him a shower and that’s every 3 days ..when I finish his shower , he starts to give me some strange angry looks..Some times he even makes me scared lol ..
But I always feed him a good meal after his shower so that he will forgive me .lol
And when he dries up he forgets everything ..thanx god lol!
There is no meal time for Floppy ..he eats all the day long .. if his food dish was not full he will start to scream even if he was not hungry and does not want to eat ..but he just wants to feel that there is food next to him whenever he needs it ..
When my sister was with us before she got married she used to help me to feed him ..and he was such a naughty one cause he screamed to her like he is soooo hungry and when she brings him food ..he eats it all ..and when she goes and he sees me he starts to scream at me like he is soooo I bring him food ..and he does not eat it ..and when I ask my sis why she said I just fed him lol …
I love Floppy ..his age is now 4 years ..but for me he will always be a cute baby ..
I don’t feel he is old ..he is in good health ..these species lives about 5-8 years ..
I wish that he will always be with me ..and lives as long as a Guinea pig can
Finally I am so sorry to refer to Floppy as a (he) ..I know this is grammatically wrong ..but for me he is like my little cute baby and not just an animal ..
Posted by BeSHeSHeNtRa... at 7:07 PM 7 comments